I found out today that I made top 5 at www.craftycardmakers.blogspot.com!
Yay me, made my day a little brighter!
I made a card for my Niece's 10th Birthday, really wanted to accomplish something today and I am so glad that I finished a card! I used a freebie image from Dustin Pike who is an awesome illustrator and creates amazing digi images if you haven't been to his blog you should go, his images are awesome www.dustinpike.blogspot.com. I just wish there was a way I could buy his images because I would in a second, the ones he has for sale are drool worthy, and I would by all of them they are very low priced and well worth it, but alas I cant purchase something over the computer and pass cash through the computer screen or I would.

www.charismacards.blogspot.com - Girly with flowers
www.craftycardmakers.blogspot.com - Desert Island (can't live without sticky gems need to have them!)
www.creativecraftchallenges.blogspot.com- blooms (flowers)
www.dareu2digistamp.blogspot.com- flowers
www.everybody-art-challenge.blogspot.com- song title (The happy birthday song counts right?)
www.fridaysketchersblog.blogspot.com- sketch
www.fussyandfancychallenge.blogspot.com- birthday with sweet treat
www.inkyimpressionschallenge.blogspot.com- 3 layers 2 DPS 1 ribbon (ribbon in center underneath star brads)
www.kraftinkimmiestamps.blogspot.com- flowers
www.magicalcraftsfortnightlychallenge.blogspot.com- girly
www.onestitchatatimechallenge.blogspot.com- flowers
www.ourcreativecorner6.blogspot.com- blooms (flowers)
www.paperjewelsstamps.blogspot.com- bling
www.pileitonchallenge.blogspot.com- Make it sweet
www.ssdschallenge.blogspot.com- girlie
www.bellichallenge.blogspot.com- Birthday
www.sewmanychallenges.blogspot.com- anything goes
www.stampwithus.blogspot.com- Birthday
www.onestopcraftchallenge.blogspot.com- metallic (star brads)
Whew didn't think I would qualify for that many! looking for these challenges keeps me busy, take up a good hour to go through my list to See what I qualify for and then each morning I go through each of the challenge blogs to see if they have a new challenge. I am learning with my anxiety that I have to keep my mind focused on other things so I don't have time to think about my anxiety so if going through all of the challenges takes up some of my time then its all good, I need some excitement in my life and I love the anticipation of entering challenges! Hope you don't find it rude I enter so many.
Really want to leave the house I am getting cabin fever I think, I am going stir crazy, and I want to stock up my stash of craft supplies so bad, I was talking with Ryan today and we realized I have pretty much been confined to the house for almost 6 months! That's crazy, I have been sick for almost 3 years but its this past 6 months have been the worst, and the past month the absolute worst. How much longer nobody knows but I know I am not going to wake up tomorrow and be better and that's kind of depressing. Anyways enough of the depressing stuff for today, just feels good to get it out, you know what I mean?